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Warm Up With These Vegan Comfort Food Recipes

15,152 Nézetek

The secret to making tasty vegan comfort food involves finding big flavors and protein-rich ingredients. As temperatures drop, warm up with one of these tasty vegan recipes.

Protein-Packed Vegan Chili Recipe

This vegan chili is loaded with protein thanks to all the beans in the recipe. It comes together in just about an hour, most of that being hands-off cooking time, so it's an easy weeknight meal. To make it even more filling, consider serving over a bowl of ricequinoa or other grain.



  1. Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat.

  2. Add the onion and bell pepper and cook until soft and slightly browned, about three minutes.

  3. Add the garlic and spices to the vegetables and stir until fragrant, about 30 seconds.

  4. Stir in the tomatoes, stock and beans.

  5. Simmer for 45 minutes to an hour.

  6. Serve topped with sliced green onions, avocado or vegan sour cream.

Vegan Shepherd's Pie Recipe

This delicious dish tastes almost like a traditional shepherd's pie, but it uses cooked lentils instead of ground beef. The end result is an easy, tasty dish that is sure to satisfy comfort food cravings.



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

  2. Mash potatoes together with coconut oil, nutritional yeast, salt, pepper and almond milk and set aside.

  3. Heat olive oil in sauté pan over medium heat.

  4. Sauté carrots and onions until soft, then sprinkle with flour and cook one minute more.

  5. Add broth, thyme, rosemary, salt and pepper and cook until thickened.

  6. Stir in lentils and then pour the mixture into an oven-safe dish.

  7. Top with mashed potatoes and smooth to form an even crust.

  8. Bake for 30 minutes.

  9. Allow the dish to cool for a few minutes and enjoy.

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